Holding Tightly to My Hope

Sitting with the Lord of course reflecting on 2023 and looking forward to this year. Looking back doesn’t always serve us well unless we are remembering how God brought us over! That is why I love Hebrews 11 because it rehearses how God brought the pioneers of faith through many tests and challenges and how they held on by faith. How Noah by faith built the ark in holy fear and became the heir of civilization at that time. How Abraham and Sarah picked up and moved to an unknown destination and believed God for a child in their senior years and their descendants are more than the stars and grains of sand. How Moses by faith led his enslaved people out of captivity not fearing his enemies and saw his enemies drowned in the Red Sea. How Rahab risked her own life to protect God’s servants saving her whole family and wound up in the blood line of Jesus. Several of the verses say in essence that they were not sidetracked by the disgrace, persecutions and challenges because they were looking forward to their reward. Moses regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward and made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. How did they even know about a reward? One of my favorite verses which I’ve blogged about numerous times is Hebrews 11:6. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” They believed by faith and that pleased God and God rewarded them. I mean we’re still talking about them and we still want to be like them. I know I do! And like so many of my ancestors who’ve demonstrated their unwavering faith walk that serves to build the foundation of my own faith walk. 

So this morning, sitting with the Lord and reflecting about how through it all, He has remained by my side, illuminated my path through the difficult times, made a way in the wilderness, brought joy in the middle of my sorrow, kept food on my table, guided my footsteps, protected my life, provided shelter in the storm, woke me up every morning, didn’t let the troubles last, relieved my emotions, regulated my mind. Oh yeah I’m testifying and I’m looking forward to walking out this next year by faith! I know some folks are not fans of New Year’s resolutions. They are hard to keep but I love the idea of a fresh start to a new year. So I’m pledging one that I plan to keep. Here it is: 

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Heb. 10:23

My resolution is to hold tightly to my hope in Jesus! Through the good times and most definitely through the hard times. He is my Sustainer and My Portion for ever!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will start out our new year in faith and hold tightly to our hope, no matter what! Looking forward…He who promised is faithful! 

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