Urge to Purge

Sitting with the Lord in these early hours. Woke up at 4:30 am and could not go back to sleep as hard as I tried. So I transitioned to my SWL chair and asked God what did He want to talk to me about. As I listened, my mind was directed to a project I’ve been working on and that is “dealing with my stuff!” Lately I have felt an urge to purge, oh that rhymes, “Urge to Purge!” Hmmm?! Put a pause right there.

True story! Years ago, in pastoral leadership training, a consultant said that whenever they walk into the home of someone that they are mentoring, they ask “what do your closets look like?” I was thinking that’s a little invasive and please do not come to my home right now. At the time, it was jarring but I got it! What’s behind closed doors can tell a story far different from what we present to the world.

To be honest, I can make a room look good and you’d never guess the amount of stuff I’ve accumulated behind the scenes over the years. It’s a hot mess! So back to the urge to purge! I’ve started in my walk in closet in my bedroom. Well it was a walk in closet. It had become a barely step in closet. LOL. So since the beginning of my birthday month, November, I started purging. And it has been intense and more than a notion. How did this closet hold so much stuff?! I admire folks who purge annually. Unfortunately that’s not my testimony. But I’m the purging queen now! It is so satisfying to simplify and let go of stuff and give it away. It’s hard, too! I’ve filled bag after bag and then I’ll look at my leftover stuff and go through it again asking myself why are you holding onto this when it’s been over a year since you’ve worn or used it. And I’ll go through a repurge process. Yep repurging! Can you see why it’s intense? Stay with me this is going somewhere…

As I sit with the Lord and reflect on this purging process in my outer life. I’m wondering how that translates to my inner life. I mean while we’re in this purging process why not go all in? I’m learning that a little purging everyday goes a long way toward decluttering my life. That works on the inside too! A little purging everyday is not as daunting. I made a commitment at the beginning of this process to spend at least an hour of purging everyday and fill at least one bag or bin. The progress has been slow but thorough. So continue to handle me gently in this purging season Lord as I invite you to purge my inner life too. Let’s take it slow but thorough please. There’s joy, fruitfulness and lightening of load on the other side. You promised and I believe! One of my late husband’s fave chapters in the Bible was John 15. It reads, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away: and every branch that bears fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken to you. My prayer, Clean me up Lord!

Just sharing my morning musings. Whenever we arrive to our purging season, be like the fruit tree and let the Lord have his way. More fruit, less stuff! 

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