I Am Your Source

Sitting with the Lord in gratitude for answered prayer. The exciting thing about God is you never know how He will answer but you can guarantee that He will answer prayer. Interesting how God connects you with someone who has also been praying. Not only are they the answer to your prayer but come to find out that you are the answer to their prayer as well! And you know it is the Lord who orchestrated the whole thing because you never said that request to anybody. It was just between you and the Lord. I remember soon after Stephen transitioned I was praying about a multitude of concerns. As a new widow there were many. I remember the Holy Spirit saying to me very emphatically, “I am your Source!” Meaning I did not need to worry or look to anything or anyone else as my Source but Him. He may use people and situations to answer my prayers but He will direct my path and provide my needs. It is true freedom when you don’t have to worry about anything. When your main objective is to abide in His presence and watch Him work it out. Doesn’t mean that I don’t have any responsibility for my life and blessings will fall out the sky in my lap. Although that has happened on occasion. It means that I trust Him and follow as He leads and put in the work that He places in front of me to do. And always always always look to Him as my Source. It’s a win win for all when the Holy Spirit is in the lead. So thank you God for the present day ministry of the Holy Spirit. May we continue to sit at Your Feet and Abide in Your Presence as You lead and guide us into all Truth! I love You Lord!

Just sharing my late morning musings to encourage you to always look to the Lord as your Source for everything you need! He’s our Shepherd and we shall not want! God answers prayer!

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