We have our dominion back!

Sitting with the Lord and reading through these words that I wrote the other morning (Oct. 4 according to my notes) thinking about Adam and Eve… so just sharing this message because as I was reading these words back to myself, I felt the victory.

The same thing that caused Satan and his angels to be evicted from heaven is the same thing that caused Adam and Eve to be evicted from the garden. The idea that God was trying to pull one over on them. That somehow God was withholding something from them that was better than what He’d already given them. That somehow they were inferior to God whom He created in His image. Their rejection of God’s word to them got them evicted by God. Evicted but not rejected. God will never turn his back on his created. We were fashioned with love and in love. Even after they rejected God’s word that was intended to keep them safe and blissful, free from the worry, stress and knowledge of evil. Even after all of that, God gave them a lifeline. Yes they had to suffer the consequences of their transgressions and yes as their descendants we still feel the effects of it. However, had they not had to deal with the consequences, Satan would have been able to fool them time and time again. He would’ve gained dominion in their lives and they would’ve been at the mercy of evil. Think about that when we deal with consequences of our disobedience. We can look at it as punishment or we can look at it as a loving Father guiding us back under the protection of his grace and mercy. I’d rather be at the mercy of love than the mercy of evil. However, once they confessed their transgressions, God restored their lives, they were blessed to do what they were purposed to do. Multiply and fill the earth. And as a bonus the woman whom Satan first deceived was given the authority to put her foot on the serpent’s head. The dominion over Satan was back where God intended it to be, under the control of His created. Us. His children. But it didn’t stop there. God took the responsibility to defeat the enemy of our souls upon Himself. Yes He gave us dominion in the earth over the enemy starting with the first Adam but then He sent the 2nd Adam. A part of Himself. Divinity clothed in humanity who came in the earth the same way every descendant of Adam came to earth. Jesus walked out life in a corruptible human body and dealt with the same temptations of the enemy that we do. He modeled how to walk this earthly realm out as a child of God. He who knew no sin became sin for us so that we’d be forever free. Yes I have the authority to tread on the head of the serpent in the earthly realm but greater than that, I have the victory in the spiritual realm. I am forever reconciled to my God through the shed blood of His Son, my Savior, my blood brother who sacrificed His life for my forever freedom. And nothing can separate me from His love. Not death, not life, not principalities or spiritual wickedness in high places. Satan can go as high as he wants to and stoop as low as he can get. I’m covered in high places and I’m covered in the low places, if I make my bed in heaven, God is there. If I make my bed in hell, He’s there too. Yes the heavenly realm has always belonged to God, and he gave dominion of the earthly realm to man who in then temporarily vacated that dominion to Satan. Jesus came and reestablished that dominion in the earthly realm. Now the earthly realm and even the hellish realm belong to God too. Jesus bled and died on the cross. He was buried and he walked into hell and took the keys from Satan and then he established his resurrection power in the earth taking back dominion. He then ascended into the heavenly realm and is seated at the right hand of the Father. God pronounced that all power in heaven and earth are in His hands. All authority, all rule under the feet of Jesus. And Jesus our blood brother, our Savior brought us right along with Him. For we are seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We need to know who we are. We aren’t out here to play hide and seek from the devil. We are a reminder to the devil that he is a defeated foe. He tried it with the first Adam and He had the nerve to try it with the 2nd Adam, but what he never saw coming was the blood. The blood, the blood, the blood. Because every time he tries to rear his ugly head in our lives. Every time! We are rescued, we are fortified with the blood of Jesus, untouchable to the enemy of our souls. We are encompassed in the glory of God and we are lifted above the fray of this world. And we are victorious once and for all. It is a finished work! Thank you Jesus and Glory to God for your word to me this morning!

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