He Comes Running

Sitting with the Lord and reflecting on last night’s first session of unpacking grief support group and how amazing it was to see healing unfold in the brave souls embarking on this journey. I’ve participated in, facilitated and trained other leaders for all types of support groups in the past. So I’m very familiar with the group setting. What always strikes me is how powerfully the Holy Spirit shows up for our healing. I said to the group when we make the decision for change in our lives and we get real about our pain, the Comforter is there to provide everything we need to become whole. Jesus asked one person the question, Will you be made well? The person said yes and was made whole. I heard a phrase that I often share and it says, “The moment we make a step toward Jesus, He comes running toward us.” That word hit me straight to my heart way back then and it hits me straight to my heart this morning. Pain makes us feel isolated. It makes us feel overwhelmed and like no one and nothing can help us. That is a lie. The thought of Jesus there just watching and waiting for us to make the slightest turn toward him. And when we do there He comes running with arms open wide ready to embrace us with love and mercy to help us in our times of need. That thought astounds me! I tell people all the time that the bulk of my healing happens between me and the Holy Spirit. When I finally open my heart for change and embraced the help He offers. These souls that had the courage to say it’s time for me to heal are precious. I know that the Lord is entrusting this part of their journey to us and I don’t take that lightly. While it feels serious, it also feels exhilarating! Because we’re on this journey together and I know firsthand the healing that occurs when we get real with Him about our pain. Our role is to facilitate a safe and confidential environment for them to do so. The rest is on the Holy Spirit and I know that He never fails. He is the Comforter and when we allow Him to do what He does, it is a complete work. It is finished! The shackles come off. The yoke is destroyed. The heart is mended. The mind is regulated. The emotions are balanced. The pain is tolerable. The joy is unspeakable. The peace is attainable. The hope is restored. It’s been more than a year when I woke up one morning with a tune on my heart that I’d never heard before. I dreamed of a crowd of us standing around the throne with arms lifted and singing this song. In fact, I sent an audio message to my sister, aunt and cousin singing the tune so I wouldn’t forget it. It’s a simple tune and the words said, “I have found more life in Jesus, more life in Jesus Christ.” More life indeed!

Just sharing my morning musings, in hopes that we will make that step toward the healing that we need in whatever area of our lives. There’s more healing available. Receive it from the Lord today! 

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