Let Me

Sitting with the Lord

Sitting with the Lord this morning and reflecting on something He said to me while driving yesterday. I was struggling and in tears because it was my first road trip without my honey. My friend told me to take along something of his to hold when I felt completely overwhelmed. So I was holding his scarf (he loved winter scarves) with tears rolling down my face when the Holy Spirit whispered,

“Let me.”

I heard it clearly so I didn’t ask Him to repeat it. I asked Him “what do you mean Let me?” “Just let me” was His response. So this morning while sitting with the Lord, I’m asking Him to reveal to me all the ways I need to “Let” Him. Grief is a consuming thing. It makes your world stop while you try to catch your breath. It makes you look around and wonder how people can carry on with their normal lives when your world has been completely disrupted. It makes you timid about really dealing with all the emotions because you’re afraid you might not be able to handle them. So when the Holy Spirit says “Let me.” For me that means allowing Him to shelter me while I adjust. Allowing Him to anchor me while the world keeps moving along. Allowing Him to carry the heavy load while I rest and restore. I love the Holy Spirit, he doesn’t bum rush me. He quietly, slowly and methodically keeps me rooted in the truth of God’s love and grace. When I “let” Him, he truly does give me beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Thankful for His words “Let me.”

Sharing my morning musings. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas He is saying “Let me” to you today. I promise you will feel lighter and lifted! 10/21/2019

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  • mbpowell59


  • Thank you for sharing your life journey prior to and with Steve. Your Muses are Awe Inspiring, transparent, full of Spiritual insight & wisdom, anointed & appointed for such a time as this, revealing of how Our Father has matured and Transformed you during this process — which is also transforming your readers & followers, etc. I am anxiously awaiting my own personal copy of the finished product. It’s amazing how God is drawing you closer to Him & in Him as you minister to and draw others closer to & in Him unexpectedly during a time in your life that others might perceive as one of your lowest points Ever. This time however, your you are self medicating more than ever in The Holy Spirit!! May God continue to speak to your heart, ordering your steps & stops, your emotions, beliefs and spirit — your Total Being in Him!! Amen and Thank The Awesome God we Serve and Surrender to through Christ Jesus and The Holy Spirit. In Him Always!!

  • Thank you for the encouragement my sister! ♥️

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