Trusted by God

Sitting with the Lord

Sitting with the Lord this morning and thinking about our story and this idea of being trusted by God. The love of my life has always been a serious soul. He is serious about his relationship with the Lord. He’s serious about studying the Word. When I met him, he was serious about courting me for marriage. When we met he was managing a men’s clothing store downtown. I walked in the store to inquire about their participation in a business expo with our church. There stood this handsome man, dressed to the nines, behind the counter and he had his bible open reading it next to the cash register. We talked and when I went to the neighboring women’s apparel store, he casually followed with pretense of speaking to the owner but I knew he was checking for me. We exchanged business cards and I intentionally included my personal phone number on the back. I had a very nice message on my voicemail when I got home. Around the 2nd or 3rd time we talked he shared personal details about his history with the intention of asking could he court me. On the drive home I inquired of the Lord, “what is going on here?” I clearly heard the Lord say, “I gave him to you because I knew you would love him and he’s precious to me.” Wow, I had a visitation from the Lord most High telling me He was entrusting me with one of His precious possessions. That’s heavy! I told the Lord that was all I needed to know. We courted exactly 6 weeks from the moment we met to the day we eloped and got married. Here we are 19 years later still in love and stronger than ever in spite of the many times the enemy has attacked our union.

I’m no one special to be chosen for God’s trust. I simply said “yes.”

Whether we’ve heard the voice of God like I did or God impressed His will in our hearts. To be trusted by God is a privilege that comes with a cost. A cost of obedience. A cost of sacrifice. A cost of commitment. A cost of self. Whatever the cost it can’t compare to the reward of knowing that you’ve been chosen by Almighty God to love and care for someone or something that is very precious to Him. Words can’t express the awe and reverence I have for this responsibility. Words can’t express the gratitude I have for God sharing his heart with me. I don’t take it for granted or lightly. I’m a like a fierce lioness over her cubs when it comes to him. I’ve served notice on the enemy in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have pleaded the blood of Jesus over him and nothing can penetrate the blood. Not disease, not death or the grave! We belong to God! We’re good over here!

Just getting around to sharing my morning musings today. Say yes to God and let Him take you on an adventure of a lifetime! I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey for sure!

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