And yet, You are…

Sitting with the Lord and putting things in His hands. As I was praying for God to handle some things. The thought occurred to me. You made some decisions on your own and now you’re asking God to handle. And my soul said,

“And yet, you are a gracious God!”

Then I thought about how many times I’ve gone out on a whim in my life and then brought my situation back to God asking Him to handle. It almost seems disrespectful to God. “And yet you are a gracious God!” I have two choices: I could live under condemnation or I could receive grace and keep giving things over to God. The process of continually giving things over to God however many times it takes has a built in intimacy factor. The more we come to God for any reasons, the closer He draws to us. My head wants to tell me, here you go again. But my heart tells me, who else do I turn to? I believe there’s a verse that says, “Who have I in heaven but you?” So yes here I go again, turning it over to God. The more I give it to Him, the closer I become to Him. In a perfect world, I’d learn the lesson and never go out on my own again. In Michele’s imperfect world, I don’t always get it right. I make decisions on my own and sometimes they are not in lock step with God. Even when I am purposely walking with the Lord everyday. I still have a need for Him to right my course. I still get off track. I still throw up my hands and ask the Lord to fix it. As much as I want to believe that I always hear and follow the Lord. Truth is, I don’t! And that’s when I have to humbly receive His grace and keep walking with Him and keep turning it over to Him. So grateful to serve a compassionate agape loving God. Where in the world would I be without Him? So I’m turning it over yet again to you Lord! And my soul says, “And yet, You are a gracious God!”

Just sharing my early morning musings in hopes that whatever you need God to handle in your life, that you will freely turn it over. And remember, “And yet, He is a gracious God!”

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