It Became Bearable Again…

Sitting with the Lord and thanking Him for making it through what has been a very difficult day for the last few years – Valentine’s Day. This year was no different however some better. I wanted to pause and express gratitude that it was some better albeit still difficult. Often when we go through something heavy, we fail to notice the progress we’ve made in the midst of suffering. Taking a moment to stop and say, wow it is getting a little easier to bear is good for the soul. Maybe I could breathe easier. Maybe I could smile a little more. Maybe my heart wasn’t quite as heavy as it was last year this time. Maybe I didn’t tear up as much as I have in the past. All indications that God’s grace is once again carrying me through. Yes it’s still difficult and yes it can be overwhelming but I’m healing in spite of the pain. And just when I thought it was unbearable,

it became bearable again.

If I were to think about all the times I didn’t think I could make it or even want to make it through my pain and yet I still made it? Wow, what a testament to God’s miracle working power! And so I pause, all while still in the middle of a difficult season, to say “Thank you Lord!” You have carried me through once again! So grateful!!!

Sharing my morning musings in hopes that you too will pause and recognize that you are making it through your difficult season by God’s Grace. Tell him, Thank you!

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