He Keeps His Promises

Sitting with the Lord this morning and meditating on the fact that He is a God who loves to reward His children. Been doing a study on the book of Galatians. One of the points that was made last night was when God told Abraham, “Do not be afraid, I am your shield, and your reward will be great.” (CSB) The comment posted in the margin that hit my heart said, “God has no reluctance to reward His people!” One of my fave scriptures is Hebrews 11:6, In my words, “When we come to God we must believe that He is who He says He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” So then I thought about how we tend to go through life often wondering if good things are going to keep happening to us. Partly because the difficult times in life can overshadow the good and positive times. It’s like our minds gravitate toward the pain and suffering as opposed to the many times when good things have happened. Of course there’s a season for grieving the hard times. Trust me I’m in one of those seasons. Which is perhaps why it hit my heart when we were discussing the lesson. Holy Spirit driving the message home, that God has no reluctance in rewarding His people. Drawing near to Him when He gets my attention always reveals His heart even more to me. He says to me, your reward will be great. I can expect that from the Great Rewarder because that is His heart for me. No reluctance to reward on God’s part. I asked Siri this morning as I meditated on this truth. Hey Siri, what is the opposite of the word reluctance. It said, eagerness, willingness, fervor, intensity, commitment, enthusiasm, inclination, passion, etc. Wow! My heart almost exploded within me as the Holy Spirit revealed more of God’s character and heart to me. He is eager and willing to reward me! He looks for reasons to reward me instead of reasons not to reward me. Jesus already paid the price for my mess ups. He is fervent and intense about rewarding His people! His deepest desire is to pile on blessing after blessing. As I lean in closer to Him, my attention is drawn to His heart for me and away from life’s difficulties. He is enthusiastically committed to reward us! In a world where commitment can be daunting, our Father is absolutely delightfully committed to our well being.

He keeps His promises to us!

His inclination, His passion is to reward His people. He rewards us on purpose. No hesitation, no regret, no take backs! His reward is sure and great! My heart is overwhelmed within me in a good way! In a grateful way! In an amazing way! I believe that God is who He says He is and He rewards those who diligently seek Him! I’m leaning into Him this morning!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will meditate on His goodness instead of life’s difficulties. God has no reluctance in rewarding His people. He rewards us with eagerness, willingness, fervor, intensity, commitment, enthusiasm, inclination, passion, etc. Leaning in, join me!!!

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