You Don’t Have To Worry Like That…

Sitting with the Lord and remembering a conversation we had on our honeymoon…

This morning I’m just remembering some conversations I had with my honey. Remembering comforts me whenever I’m overwhelmed. So sometimes I just take a moment to remember conversations we had that were comforting in the moment. One convo that stands out this morning was something my honey said early on in our marriage. We had gone to Lake Lanier resort for somewhat of a honeymoon. We’d been married for several months. We couldn’t afford a honeymoon initially since both of us were new to the city & re-establishing ourselves.  So we saved some funds to go on a honeymoon. We’d budgeted just enough for a trip to Atlanta and then a few days at the nearby resort. It was glorious! Stephen had been working and going to school full time. I’d been working full time and adjusting from a single person home to accommodate both of us. So we’d had a hectic start to our marriage. These few days were a welcome relief! We had so much fun and time to connect with each other even more. After all, we had only met 6 weeks before we eloped so we were getting to know each other while being newlyweds. Worked for us! The resort had a beach, horseback riding, each room had a private patio with a huge jacuzzi and all sorts of amenities. Glorious! Anyway, we had budgeted tightly to go on this trip. Not a lot of wiggle room financially speaking but we had it covered. So we go to check out on the last day and they say our bank card is declined. I’m looking at them like I know the funds are there, run it again! I go online and look at the balance and it is saying that the $$ are short. And I’m baffled! Because we had it figured out. So we have to come up with cash payment. We draw out all the cash we had and it still wasn’t enough. I’m freaking out & Steve has a cool head. He pulls me to the side and says, “Honey I’m your husband, you don’t need to worry like that when you’re with me.” So he pulls $$ out his wallet that he’d stashed for a rainy day. Said his mom taught him to always have some cash put away in his wallet in case of an emergency. Thank God it was just the difference we needed to pay our bill. We paid it & checked out. 

As soon as we get back, we go to the bank. They found out the issue. The resort had placed our entire bill amount on hold when we checked in and then never took the hold off so when they charged the card again all the funds weren’t available. They double charged us! Needless to say it was a relief but also frustrating to find out it was their mistake! So as I remember this incident I’m reminded how just that one conversation with my honey made all the difference in our response in that situation. Calmness instead of fret. While it saddens me that I don’t have him here to have those convos anymore, it also comforts me to remember how relieving it was to have each other’s support. As a widow, it’s a constant adjustment to life without our loves. I’m learning to lean on Jesus for that extra support. I mean I’ve trusted the Lord for a long time and now I’m learning to trust him to comfort me through the voids in my life since Stephen transitioned. God’s provision for me is astounding! I have more than what I need and when it looks tight, He always come through! 

I am a self employed rehab counselor and rely on referrals for my contract with the federal govt. Whenever they play around with passing budgets on Capitol Hill, it significantly affects contractors & my business. Recently, a contact told me they’d been told to hold off on referrals because the $$$ wasn’t there for contractors. This time I didn’t fret or panic. I’ve seen the Lord come through. I remembered the words of my honey, don’t worry like that when you’re with me. The referrals have not stopped. Reminding me of how much more resources my Heavenly Father has for me. How much more He loves me! How faithful He is! How much more He gives exceedingly & abundantly above all we could ask or think. He loves me more than I can fathom! I am His child and He is my Provider. I remember and I pray through it. It always works out. I’m reminded of the verse, “I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread.” When we’re with our Father, we don’t have to ever worry like that! He’s more than able to take care of our needs. 

A couple of testimonies: My property taxes are pretty high & due before the end of the year. I’d been waiting on a large payment for several months. I kept hearing from the Lord, it will be here when you need it. Out of the blue the payment arrives! It covers my taxes a couple times over. When I’m with my Father, I don’t need to worry like that. My health insurance is pretty expensive as a self employed business owner. Recently out of the blue, one of my siblings sent me funds so that I would have a cushion to cover my health insurance in case of a rainy day. (Like slow referrals). Wow, God laying my needs on the hearts of others. When I’m with my Heavenly Father, I don’t need to worry like that! I must testify that the Lord will provide and we only need to trust Him and walk in the fullness of His love for us. Such a blessing to belong to God. Such a blessing to have a loving family that looks out! I look to My Father, He is my source. Thank you Jesus!!

Just sharing my morning musings. It’s uncomfortable to share about financial issues. I’m sharing in hopes that when we are overwhelmed, particularly with financial issues, that we will remember how the Lord provides and how He always comes through. We are that special to Him! Have a conversation with Him about it. We don’t need to worry like that when we’re with our heavenly Father! I have never seen the righteous forsaken… I’m telling God, thank you!!!

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  • mbpowell59


  • That was awesome! Being a widow myself, I sometimes find myself about to worry about finances…but then I catch myself. God has been so good! He always provides. Just when it seems almost hopeless to my human brain, God shows up and shows out. I love your blogs. So inspirational!!!

    • There’s no limit to His resources that are available to His children. Like you said hard to wrap our brains around. We must trust.

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