You Gave Me Courage…

Sitting with the Lord and the Holy Spirit ministering to me about courage. Being a widow certainly requires courage to face situations and circumstances that I’ve not faced before or at least not faced in many years. There’s seems to be an “out of your comfort zone” experience almost daily. Whether it’s something as simple as remembering to put the trash can out because that was something my husband used to do. Or something as major as having to replace a heat pump which puts quite a dent in the budget. Or needing a calm shoulder to lean on or hearing the words “honey everything is going to be all right” when you’re just overwhelmed with life. I’m sure there are many people that can relate whether they are a widow or not. I know my situation is not unique and I have compassion for those who are going through major life changes.

As I sat with the Lord about it this morning. I sensed the Holy Spirit leading me to ask the Lord for courage. Then I realized that fear and anxiety can result from lack of courage. It was like the Lord was saying to my heart, “what are you afraid of?” And that I need to deal with the lack of courage in my life so that when He presents me with an opportunity that meets my needs that I’ll receive it and fearlessly step into it. God uses difficult situations as a faith builder. The enemy of our souls uses difficult situations as a faith defeater. So my eyes need to be open to opportunities ahead for me instead of the difficulties behind me. If I focus on the opportunities ahead I can dream of the possibilities that God can do in my life. I can dream again for better days. Challenges become courage builders instead of faith defeaters.

So I was sitting on my back porch musing about this and I picked up a book that I have not read in at least a year. It has positive messages for every day of the year. So I looked at the message for today. Literally this was after I prayed about courage and the first line of the page was a verse from Psalm 138:3. It read,

“When I asked for your help, you answered my prayer and gave me courage.”

You can’t make this up! Holy Spirit using this random page out of this book to seal His message to my heart! Thank you Lord for your Presence in my life. Thank you Lord for drawing near to me when I draw near to you. Thank you for coming to see about your child and always taking me beyond the natural into the supernatural counsel of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for giving me courage today, I’m grateful!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you will seek the Lord for courage to step out of your comfort zone as you face difficult situations. When you ask the Good Lord for help, He will answer and give you courage!

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