Interdependency is our friend…

Sitting with the Lord this morning because God woke me up with these thoughts about interdependency. Emphatically impressing upon me, “If my people could grasp this concept of interdependency and how relationally I created this world then a lot of their problems would be solved.” 

Interdependence is the dependence of two or more things on each other.

I began thinking about how God created us to be relationally interdependent of each other and how out of balance, as a people and as world, we have become. How extremely things have gotten out of hand and birthed corruption, greed and chaotic times. I found this definition on the internet about interdependent relationships that says, “In an interdependent relationship, all partners are mutually reliant on each other. It is a safe bond where partners can rely on each other but also maintain their autonomy.” I began to think about this crisis that the world is facing and about some of the response to it. How easily fear has driven people to go overboard in many ways. Some choosing to hoard food/products as if they’re the only people on the planet. Thereby causing others to lack and scramble for basic daily needs. Others choosing to disregard sound medical advice and thereby putting the health of the most vulnerable in our society at risk. I can’t help but think if we could grasp this concept of the interdependent relationship how much more clearly we could see the value in looking out for each other. Holy Spirit leading me to think of the great Love commandment as it relates to interdependency. Loving God and loving people. Jesus stated this concept of interdependency in very simple terms. Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind and Love your neighbor as yourself. He said everything depends on this principle. God is love, love is of God, love is God. Out of our love for God derives our love for each other. When we love we think of each other’s wellbeing. I saw interdependency at work when my honey became ill. How those who were well ministered to us in our weakest moments. How when he became too weak to do the things he used to, how those who were stronger stepped in to take care of those things that he could no longer do. How those family and friends who were able helped to relieve our financial stressors during his illness. How when I became tired as a caregiver how others shouldered some of the responsibility. How those who were strong in the faith held up our arms when our spirits were weak by consistently encouraging our faith. How beautifully love allowed the interdependent relationship to function at its best in our time of need and how completely God took care of us in our interdependent relationship with Him and others. 

Holy Spirit grieved that we’re not getting it right now. Grieved that the world has come to this and impressing upon me to even write about it. Yes God did not give us a spirit of fear but of love, power and sound mind. Sound mind meaning we realize that He has given the medical truth about this disease to the experts and we should use wisdom and listen. It is behooving of believers to set the example. It is not a lack of faith or giving into fear if we respect the knowledge that God has given to those who’ve studied this disease. God designed us to be dependent on each other to healthily coexist on this planet. He never meant for us to build our silos and only exist for ourselves. We are created to depend on Him and to depend on each other. Love my neighbor as myself so that my actions do not adversely affect my neighbor. Instead my actions embrace the wellbeing of my neighbor not out of fear but out of Love.

Just sharing my morning musings to emphasize our interdependency of each other. Encouraging us to look beyond ourselves and our own agendas. Our problems can be solved best when we start with Loving  God and Loving people!

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