When the Plants Wilt and the Flowers Fade…

Sitting with the Lord and talking to Him about this concept of time in the grief process. Because I don’t think that the profound sorrow of losing my honey will ever dissipate. So I’m putting it before the Lord. My honey always brought me flowers sometimes for special occasions and sometimes as an expression of his love. I was looking at this vase of roses that I bought myself on Valentine’s Day in memory of the love we shared and they are wilted and dried up. I was wondering to myself why I had not thrown them away. For some reason I just haven’t wanted to. Although they are no longer the vibrant red they once were, they are still the same flowers that represent our same love. It’s been five months since the Lord brought my honey home. It may seem a long time to some but for me it’s like yesterday that he walked in the door with flowers in his hand and a kiss for me. The ache of missing him may have dulled for some but for me that longing to hold each other, sit side by side and hold hands is still there. Grieving people learn to wear it well because we are conditioned to put on a brave face to the world. But oh what I wouldn’t trade for just one more day with my honey! I’m so thankful that if I had to lose a love like ours at least I’ve known what it means to be loved like that. I guess in some way the flowers are a reminder of that love. Recently, a family member brought me a fresh bouquet of spring flowers. They brightened up my kitchen table and my spirit. They reminded me that even though the flowers wilt that life can and will bloom again. I know my honey would want me to believe that indeed life goes on and time will teach me to cope with my pain. I noticed the same concept regarding the peace lilies that I still have from when he passed. One day they are standing straight up and looking very strong and green. The next morning I get up and they are sagging and looking wilted. I put them in the sink to water their roots and within minutes they spring back to life. Grief feels something like that process. Many days you feel pretty okay and then comes the day when the heaviness consumes you. For me after sitting with the Lord, and drinking from the well of His Word, I’m strengthened to carry on another day. 

As Spring approaches and the grass becomes greener, it is yet another reminder of the life cycle. My honey may have faded from the earthly realm but my belief reminds me that he has new life in the heavenly realm. This time nothing will be able to hurt or harm him. He enjoys eternal bliss and never ending sunshine. These two flower images are speaking to me about our regenerated life in Jesus. We are made brand new! Not an improved version but a totally new version when we entrust our lives to Jesus. We will always be like that fresh bouquet of flowers! We may wilt in the earthly realm but we will live forever more in the heavenly realm. I wrote a poem when my mother was suddenly taken from us due to cancer. I have used that poem for my deceased father and now my husband since then. I’ll never forget the night my siblings and I were sitting around the dining table working on her funeral program. It had been stirring in my spirit on the drive to our family home. So when we decided we wanted to write our own poem, this is what the Lord gave me…


What a joyous time

To be wholly thine!

No pain, no sorrow,

Only forever tomorrow.

I’m eternally healed!

Eternally blessed, 

Eternally at peace, 

As I eternally rest.

What a blessed event, 

That’s heavenly sent,

To walk with my Lord, 

What glories in store!

I’m eternally healed!

Eternally blessed!

Eternally at peace, 

Now I eternally rest!

By Michele Bryant Powell

Just sharing my morning musings especially to those who are reeling from the loss of someone dear to them due to sickness. Reminding you that life will bloom again! Hold onto this for your loved one … Eternally Healed! 

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