Hold On Into Eternity…

“I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown.” Revelation‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sitting with the Lord and listening to the Holy Spirit talk me about “holding on.” I’ve been tarrying in this 3rd chapter of Revelations this week. Trusting God to keep speaking to my heart. So the Holy Spirit drew my attention to this verse about holding on. I was telling the Lord that it feels like that’s what I’ve been doing most of my adult life, “holding on.” Especially since I committed my life to the Lord for real. I accepted Christ at a young age at a youth revival. It was a very real personal experience. Although I didn’t fully walk in my salvation at the time due to the immaturity of my youth, I do know that I was sincere when I received my salvation. Fast forward to my young adulthood, I had another life changing encounter. My “Auntie,” as she was endeared to us, was a staunch spiritual advisor for many of us during our lives especially in our youth. I remember having sleepovers at her house that turned into prayer meetings that then turned into true pentacostal experiences. One night several of my girl cousins and I were laid out on the floor in my Auntie’s living room seeking the Lord sincerely and fervently like the disciples in Acts 2. Auntie encouraged us to believe that we could encounter Jesus on that level if we prayed sincerely. So we prayed and cried out for the visitation of the Holy Spirit. I remember the room suddenly being illuminated by the power of God. I remember the Holy Spirit coming over me as I prayed aloud and the word of God came flowing out of my mouth. Scripture after scripture! I remember my other cousin being caught up and dancing in the spirit. All of us overcome with the presence of the Lord. I received the gift of prayer and being able to reach the very throne room of God that night.  I was transformed in that moment and have never been the same. Where Jesus is there is change! Since that authentic encounter, I’ve experienced serious attacks and demonic oppression from the enemy that should’ve turned me around. That should’ve had me hightailing it and burying my head in the sand. That should’ve taken my life in fact. My testimony is deep! Yet I’m holding on! Holding on through the anxiety and depression that accompanies grief. I’m stronger and wiser for holding on. Each victory lap with Jesus has made me more aware of the devices of the enemy. Each attempt by the enemy to steal, kill and destroy my faith makes me more resilient and my foundation in Jesus more secure. I know how to block out the noise of the enemy and hear from the Lord because He is all I’ve had to hold onto at breaking points in my life. He consistently reminds me that the enemy is a defeated foe and my crown is already bought and paid for. No one can take my crown when I hold onto my faith. That’s the enemy’s tactic, to try to crush our spirit and discourage our faith so that we cease to hold on. That’s all the enemy has for the believer, an attempt to keep us from believing in our secured salvation in Jesus. Holy Sprit reminding me that the devil has already been arrested, punished and forever condemned to the pit of fire for the attempted theft of our faith. Holy Spirit also reminding my how Stephen “held on” in the fight of his life. Everyday he fought. He never complained or cowered in fear. He “held on” until his last breath. It was just me and him when he slept away. He squeezed my hand one last time. God brought him home in a very peaceful and quiet transition. I always say that he and God had a plan.

He kept “holding on” right into eternity and now he has his crown.

My resolve to “hold on” is fortified by my honey’s example. My resolve to “hold on” is unshakable because God has proven to me that He will not let me go. His grip is strong on my life. He reminds me through His Word this morning that He is coming soon. May He find me as faithful to Him as He has been to me. May He find me “holding on” when He comes again!

Just sharing my morning musings. The enemy makes a lot of noise but has no power over those of us who believe. Encouraging our faith in the midst of trials. May we hold onto God and trust Him to hold onto to us. 

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  • mbpowell59


  • This is absolutely beautiful and a loving tribute to our Heavenly Father, your Stephen and to the ones we loved that has gone before us. Truly we will see them again and be back in to there arms.


    • Thank you and for the card you sent! ❤️

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