“I Will Live…”

Sitting with the Lord this morning with tears of gratitude as I reflect on all the love and honor bestowed upon my husband, Stephen Powell, during the WSSU homecoming parade festivities. That’s when the Holy Spirit reminded me about my honey’s war cry. “I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord.” Weeks before Stephen went to be with the Lord, he suffered a major setback. He’d become unresponsive and Hospice pronounced that he was transitioning. We alerted family, friends and colleagues so they could visit with him. We had an influx of people for a couple of days when he was not able to respond. My brother and I were sitting by his hospital bed at home in the wee hours of the 2nd or 3rd morning about 4:30 am. Talking about things when we were suddenly amazed! Stephen’s eyes popped wide open and he sat up straight in the bed saying, “I’ve got to get up!” He proceeded to swing his legs over the bed as we sprang into action to assist him to the bathroom. He led us, we didn’t lead him. So we’re standing outside the door with our eyes and mouth wide open looking at each other wondering what just happened. Immediately, we knew we witnessed a miracle in that moment. He came out the bathroom avoided the bed opting to lay on the couch. As he laid back, he declared three times, each time getting stronger and more demonstrative,

“I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord!”

Then he laid back and rested. For the next day or so as people came to visit, he stood up and walked them to the door, sometimes very weak but yet declaring three times, “I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord!” His staff and friends that came by when he was unresponsive came back that same day because they’d heard the good news that Mr. Powell was up, walking and talking! They walked in happy with tears as they visited with him. He delivered his battle cry each time. “I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord.” So the Holy Spirit brought this memory to my attention as I reflected in tears of gratitude about this weekend’s honor bestowed on Stephen by WSSU that he was fulfilling his declaration. The Holy Spirit reminded me like this: Yes the Lord brought Stephen home to LIVE with Him in eternity. And yes his presence is missed by all of us who loved him. However, Stephen’s life and impact for the kingdom continue to DECLARE the works of the Lord! Therefore his declaration was not rendered void by his transition from this earth, instead it resounds louder and truer because of his life’s imprint. Our alma mater, WSSU’s recognition of his life as honorary Grand Marshall and parade banner was a surreal experience. I was overcome with emotion as I rode through the parade, waving at all the people in representation of him. My heart swelled with pride and thankfulness because I knew my honey was celebrating right along with us. If you cut him, he bled WSSU red. He was all in! That was his approach to life, his passion for others and his love for the Lord. All in! A friend of mine who lost her husband years ago to cancer said to me, “We miss their physical presence but we also miss the impact that their life had on ours and others.” I felt that impact everyday as his wife and I felt even more when I read the messages to Stephen from the staff on the banner. Indeed, we all miss him and his impact. I will always treasure WSSU homecoming 2019 because they celebrated the life and legacy of my love, Stephen Powell. Thank you Lord and thank you WSSU! 

Just sharing my morning musings… Encouraging us to be conscious of the impact we are making on people’s lives. That impact leaves a legacy. What will our legacy be?

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  • mbpowell59