
Sitting with the Lord and thinking about how quickly the weather changes. Last week I sat outside on a warm day, took the dogs out in the rain and drove in snow to go to the bank. It’s a little eerie at how quickly the elements change. I laugh about it and post memes about it. I said to the Lord this morning, truth be told it’s kind of like my life. Of course sunshine representing the good times when all is well. Rain representing the disruptive bad times that start with looming clouds and then produce difficulties. At least with the rain I saw it coming. But then there’s the snow from out of nowhere that I never saw coming. That caught me unawares and completely blew me away. Such is the weather in NC. And such is the journey of life. Unlike the weather predictions that forecast up to 70 degrees later this week. I can’t look ahead and see what my life journey might bring my way. I can plan and strategize but as experience has taught me, things don’t always turn out like I plan. And while I can’t always see ahead, I can look back. Not so much at the actual failures or troubles or hard times. More so at how God brought me through every situation that could’ve taken me out or could’ve derailed my course.

How He had already orchestrated my comeback and my victory even when I was experiencing the rain and the snow storms in my life.

How He never left my side and walked with me, at times carried me through the darkness. How He protected me when I took risks with my own life. How he stayed with me when I was clearly outside of His will. How he answered the prayers of my mother, father and family when I couldn’t even pray for myself. How He always sent me a message of His love when I felt the most unlovable. He had already orchestrated my comeback and my victory. Such compassion, such love! This crazy unsettling weather is reminding me of the steadfastness of the Lord in my life. So I took a minute to review synonyms for steadfastness and boy is it building my faith! Steadfast = constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, faithful, good, loyal, staunch, steady, true, true-blue, dependable, dutiful, reliable, responsible, solid, tried, tried-and-true, trustworthy, trusty, unfaltering, unhesitating, unwavering, determined, intent, resolute, confirmed, dyed-in-the-wool, inveterate, sworn, ardent, avid, enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, gung ho, impassioned, passionate, serious, unchanging! Whew, do what you want weather of life. My God will always come through for me!

Sharing my morning musings in hopes that as the weather goes through it’s changes, we will be reminded that the steadfast love of the Lord never changes. He carries us through every season especially the difficult ones. He has already orchestrated our comeback and our victory!

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